Since this is the last Friday of the month, here’s a recap of Jamuary via the camera snaps on my phone.

one+ Started the month in Playa del Carmen. On New Year’s Day, the resort had a pool foam party which was a ton of fun … and foam.

two+ Took a few trips so spent a lot of time in airports. I’m so fascinated by planes and the technology of air travel.

three+ A view from up top – on the 76th floor in Chicago.

four+ Got some medals from the races I did – I’m in competition with my 11 year old niece. Of course, I get participation medals, and she’s actually winning things … but a medal is a medal I say!

five+ I’ve been checking out #oatmealbowl on Instagram for inspiration and jazzed up my own oatmeal aesthetics – and eating it for breakfast.